
RBI accelerator facility consists of two accelerators, 1.0 and 6.0 MV electrostatic tandem accelerators (HVEC EN Tandem Van de Graaff and 1.0 MV HVE Tandetron) as well as 8 beam lines. One of the beam lines can accept simultaneously ion beams from both accelerators.


EN Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator has three ion sources, namely RF source with charge exchange for He ions, multi-cathode sputtering ion source for variety of ion species (H, Li, B, C, O, Si, Cl, Cu, Br, Au, etc.) and finally a home built sputtering source for rare beams including short lived radioactive beams.

Tandetron accelerator is equipped with direct extraction duoplasmatron source (for negative hydrogen ions) and sputtering ion source used for other ions (typically Li, C, O, Si, and heavier).

RBI-target room
Presently, there are nine available end stations.

End stations that can accept ions from both accelerators are (from right to left):
– Nuclear microprobe facility
– Nuclear reactions scattering chamber
– High resolution PIXE spectrometer
– IAEA beam line
– Irradiation and detector testing
– Dual beam irradiation and RBS channeling

End stations that can accept ions only from Tandetron accelerator are:
– In air PIXE
– PIXE/RBS end station

Facility is equipped with mechanical and electronic workshops, sample preparation equipment and several other sample characterization techniques.

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